How does the artificial insemination procedure work, and is it right for you? Artificial insemination can help individuals get pregnant when dealing with issues such as: Male factor infertility Unexplained infertility Needing to use donor sperm to get pregnant There are two different artificial insemination procedures: Intrauterine insemination (IUI) , which is most common today Intracervical insemination (ICI), also known as intravaginal insemination Let's review the steps to a successful artificial insemination procedure. Step 1: The physical exam To begin the artificial insemination procedure, both you and your male partner (or your potential donor) will have a complete physical examination, including blood testing. Your doctor will do a sperm analysis by obtaining a sperm sample from your male partner (or sperm donor). If your partner has ejaculation problems, the doctor can bypass this by extracting sperm from his bladder after he ejac...