when biliionaires marry; the wedding that put Benin to a hold

PHOTOS: The Billionaire Wedding That Shut Down Benin
PHOTOS: The Billionaire Wedding That Shut Down BeninWe thought hold-up is usually on land but the twist occurred yesterday when the runway(sky)had a huge hold up courtesy of the numerous jet and plane that were on air as they were headed for a wedding. WOW! that's what happens  When Two kids of Billionaire parents wed, activities in town literally stops.

This occurred yesterday in Benin when One of the sons of the Olu of Warri, Tsola Emiko yesterday got married to Ivie Okunbor, one of the daughters of billionaire businessman, Captain Hosa Okunbor.
Both Families also sent private jets to pick up their guests to attend the traditional wedding in Benin.The wedding was grand but some passengers from other flights that where grounded did not enjoy the delay caused by the private jets. money speaks right?.

PHOTOS: The Billionaire Wedding That Shut Down Benin
PHOTOS: The Billionaire Wedding That Shut Down BeninPHOTOS: The Billionaire Wedding That Shut Down Benin

PHOTOS: The Billionaire Wedding That Shut Down Benin


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