There’s a lot to be said about the modeling world today, when models keep getting younger and younger. Kristina Pimenova, who’s only 10, is probably the youngest supermodel. She was born in Moscow, Russia. Her parents, Glikeriya Shirokova and famous Russian footballer Ruslan Pimenov moved to France when she was 3 months old, and stayed there for a year. Despite her tender age, Kristina has already been dubbed “the most beautiful girl in the world”. Her Facebook page has over 4 million likes and she has more than a million followers on Instagram . The question you might be asking yourself right about now is “how does she manage all of this?”. Well, she doesn’t. Her mother runs all of her social media. It makes perfect sense. Kristina is only 10, she shouldn’t care about Facebook and Instagram at this young age. Plus, we all know how weird the comment section can get on social media. It’s better not to subject a child to something like that. Speaking of her age, we all pr...