Odd Dresses gone Good: 10 Fashions you never knew will turn Vogue

Do you remember the days we were reduced to wearing what is termed 'compliance' in fashion?

Now have you taken cognizance of how those odd dresses have become more fashionable and in vogue?

In today's fashion review we shall be highlighting some of the termed odd dresses then,  that has become fashionable.

1. Ankara on Sneakers: Are you kidding me?  This use to be like the weirdest thing to ever think of in the world of clothing.
How possible can you be wearing a canvass/Sneakers on Ankara (African Prints)? This was practically crazy idea and whoever tries it will be scorn to stupor.

Now look what is seriously trendy: Ankara on Sneakers In all styles, short, long,  shirt-gowns, with face caps, buba etc.

2. Polka dots on Polka dots: Remember when you must wear a dotted clothes on plain?
Oh yeah!  Today it appears so drab to do same, when you can rock it better with another dotted clothes to spur out the beauty. Yeah really.

3. Stripes on Stripes: In fact this is considered a menace in  formal settings. How can you possibly wear a stripe shirt on a stripe skirt for instance? That is ridiculous and intolerable but today you will be making necks turn in admiration on those clothes 

4. Flowered dresses on Flowered dresses:
The rules on this fashion use to be pick a colour on the flowers and find a plain clothe to match. Today who cares,  when you can flaunt all that it is to flowers.

5. Patches: Those whose clothes were not enough were usually helped by tailors by joining extra materials. This is joined in hidden area, where no one can readily see but men! Patches now is what makes it beautiful. In fact the materials used in patches are entirely different in desire and colors. The idea is not to make them match

6. Crop tops: In the early 90s up to early 20th century when your clothes especially blouses are short and not enough to cover your navel it is considered under size,  jump up and not fitting. Do you know people had to cut their blouses to make them crop? Wow!

7. Torn Dresses: Fashion has encouraged so much confidence seriously. Have you had your clothe turn before?  What is the feeling, Entirely embarrassing right?
But now some shows are designed for torn dresses and people rock them in all craziest form

8. Over sized dresses: What comes into your mind when one wears over sized dresses? 
They were dashed to them or probably borrowed dresses. 
Sorry today one of the trends says 'wear-them-big'. 

9. Turbans : Turbans were for particular people in fact for a religious groups 'The deeper life Church group' .
It's quite amazing that our Ankaras are now worn with turbans and not just the Ankaras other dinner wears,  regular dresses as well as casuals with turban and brooches

10. Natural Hair: Then,  whenever we see people with un-retouched hairs (natural hair)  what comes to our mind is certain religious groups. Probably the serious 'Churchies' in Nigerian description. Today many celebrities all over the world had gone on natural hair. Many celebrities  Nigeria like Omoni Oboli, Uche Jumbo,  TY Bello amongst others are rocking their hair natural and believe me so many had joined the gang

Guys odd dresses as we use to see them has broken the nets,  which will you be inventing? 


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